GR94 Sendero Rural de Galicia


  1. Name GR94 Sendero Rural de Galicia (GR94)
  2. Länge von Wanderweg 127 km, 79 Meilen
  3. Länge in Tagen 6 Tage
  4. Traildino Schwierigkeit EW, Leichte Wanderung, Naturwanderweg

Sendero Rural de Galicia, GR94 Sendero Rural de Galicia. 126 km, 6 stages. Galicia

Select some tracks
Gran Recorrido Rural Gallego, 0.9km
.Grande Percorrido Rural Galego, 119km
De Vaunières au Col des Praux, 121km


GR94 Sendero Rural de Galicia


United Kingdom
  • GR93/GR94 Tours dans les Hautes-Alpes FFRP Topo-guide No. 940
  • Tours dans les Hautes-Alpes, FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 940, covering 691km of hiking routes along the GR93 and GR94 in the French Alps west of Gap. The routes can be combined, as required, into shorter or longer circuits. Current edition of this title was published in June 2012.ABOUT THE FFRP (Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre)... Read more
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