Assiniboine Traverse


  1. Name Assiniboine Traverse
  2. Länge von Wanderweg 57 km, 35 Meilen
  3. Länge in Tagen 4 Tage
  4. Anfang von Wanderweg Healy Creek
  5. Ende von Wanderweg Spray Lake
  6. Traildino Schwierigkeit SW, Anspruchsvolle Wanderung, Bergwanderung
  7. Schwierigkeitsgrad Berg- und Alpinwanderung T2, Bergwandern

Mount Assinibroine traverse, Healy Creek - Spray Lake, 57 km, 4 days

This Assiniboine Traverse trail is a our day hike in the Canadian Rockies passing Mount Assiniboine. It is located in Banff National Park and Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park, and is in 2 provinces: Alberta and British Columbia. It crossed the continental divide watershed three times. It is a fairly popular trail. Part of it overlaps with the Great Divide Trail, which is seldom hiked because it is (too) long.


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