Julische Alpen
The Julian Alps are located in the triangle of Austria, Italy and Slovenia. Officially, Austria has no share in these Alps, while the main and highest - and most spectacular - part of them is situated in Slovenia: the Triglav Mountains.
The Julian Alps are part of the Southern Limestone Alps. Like the Northern Limestone Alps, these mountains are characterized by steep, sharp, white limestone massifs. They reach their highest point in the Triglav (2.864 m). This mountain is easy to climb for the sure-footed (rope recommended). Connections between huts sometimes are stunning demonstrations of trail hewing, making forbidding rock faces accessible. Not recommended for those suffering from vertigo.
The area has a pronounced sweet side too: beautiful forests and lakes, and also picturesque farmland on the lower plains. This is making for some very enjoyable hikes in view of the white teethed crests.
Wanderwege Region
Führer und Karten
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
- Wandelgids The Slovene Mountain Trail | Cicerone
- Guidebook to trekking the Slovene Mountain Trail or Transverzala, 550km across Slovenia. Beginning at Maribor near the Austrian border to Ankaran on the Adriatic coast, the route is described as a series of 3 to 6-day treks through the region of Pohorje and the limestone mountains of the Karavanke and Kamnik-Savinja and Julian Alps. Read more
- Wandelgids 40 Friaul - Julisch Venetien - Venetië | Rother Bergverlag
- Duitstalige wandelgids met zeer goed beschreven wandelingen in de genoemde gebieden. Redelijk kaartmateriaal, vooral de beschrijving van de route en de praktische info die er bij hoort is meer dan goed. Over alle eilanden verspreid. Friaul-Julisch Venetien welch geheimnisvoller Zauber schwingt in diesen Worten mit! Sie bezeichnen eine Region im... Read more
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- Wandelgids Slowenien - Slovenie | Rother Bergverlag
- 52 Touren zwischen Julischen Alpen und Adriaküste. Mit GPS-Daten Rother Wanderbuch. 1. Auflage. Read more
- Klimgids - Klettersteiggids Die 55 schönsten Klettersteige | Styria Verlag
- Die Julischen Alpen sind für viele Bergsteiger ein unbekanntes Gebiet. Dabei zählt dieses Gebirge neben den Dolomiten zu den faszinierendsten Klettersteigrevieren der Welt. Spektakuläre Anstiege durch mächtige Felswände; scharfe Grate und grandiose Gipfelerlebnisse bietet Andrej Ma eras kompakter Führer zu den schönsten Klettersteig- Routen... Read more
- Hiking in Switzerland
- This is the official guidebook to the Swiss section of the Via Alpina (National Route 1), published by the Swiss Hiking Federation. The Via Alpina is a network of five long-distance hiking routes which cross eight Alpine countries from Trieste to Monaco - over 5,000 kilometres of hiking trails in total. On Swiss soil, National Route 1 Via... Read more
- Also available from:
- Bol.com, Belgium
- Hiking in Switzerland
- This is the official guidebook to the Swiss section of the Via Alpina (National Route 1), published by the Swiss Hiking Federation. The Via Alpina is a network of five long-distance hiking routes which cross eight Alpine countries from Trieste to Monaco - over 5,000 kilometres of hiking trails in total. On Swiss soil, National Route 1 Via... Read more
- Rick Steves Eastern Europe, Ninth Edition
- You can count on Rick Steves to tell you what you really need to know when traveling in Eastern Europe-including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, and Croatia. Explore Eastern Europe's top cities, from the romantic spires of Prague and the steamy thermal baths of Budapest to charming Krakow and laid-back Ljubljana. Enjoy... Read more
- Also available from:
- Bol.com, Belgium
- Rick Steves Eastern Europe, Ninth Edition
- You can count on Rick Steves to tell you what you really need to know when traveling in Eastern Europe-including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, and Croatia. Explore Eastern Europe's top cities, from the romantic spires of Prague and the steamy thermal baths of Budapest to charming Krakow and laid-back Ljubljana. Enjoy... Read more
United Kingdom
- Dachstein - Ausseerland - Filzmoos - Ramsau Hiking + Leisure Map 1:50 000
- Dachstein - Ausseer Land - Filzmoos - Ramsau - Bad Ischl - Schladming area of the Austrian Alps presented at 1:50,000 in a series of contoured and GPS compatible outdoor leisure map from Freytag & Berndt with hiking and cycling routes, mountain huts, campsites and youth hostels, local bus stops, plus other tourist information. To see the list... Read more
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Dachstein - Ausseerland - Filzmoos - Ramsau F&B WK281
- Dachstein - Ausseer Land - Filzmoos - Ramsau - Bad Ischl - Schladming area of the Austrian Alps presented at 1:50,000 in a series of contoured and GPS compatible outdoor leisure map from Freytag & Berndt with hiking and cycling routes, mountain huts, campsites and youth hostels, local bus stops, plus other tourist information. To see the list... Read more
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Carinthian Alps - Gailtal - Gitschtal - Nassfeld - Lesachtal - Weissensee - Upper Drautal F&B WK223
- Naturarena Kärnten - Gailtal - Gitschtal -Lesachtal - Weissensee - Oberes Drautal area of Carinthia presented at 1:50,000 in a series of contoured and GPS compatible outdoor leisure map from Freytag & Berndt with hiking and cycling routes, mountain huts, campsites and youth hostels, local bus stops, plus other tourist information.To see the... Read more
- Wandelkaart 12 Laghi Maggiore, d'Orta e di Varese | IGC - Istituto Geografico Centrale
- Lake Maggiore - Lake Orta - Lake Varase, map no. 12, in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc. from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale covering the Italian Alps and Piedmont, the lakes and northern Lombardy, and the Italian Riviera.The maps have contours at... Read more
- Wandelkaart Julische Alpen - Triglav National Park | Sidarta
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- Wandelkaart Triglav | Kartografija
- Uitstekende wandel- en klimkaart van de Triglav en directe omgeving. Met ingetekende routes, alle berghutten met foto en gegevens. Mooi gedetailleerd met een schaal van 1:25.000. De ideale wandelkaart voor de heilige berg voor de Slovenen: iedereen moet er in zijn of haar leven op hebben gestaan! Gedrukt op watervast papier. Read more