- Name Jyderupstien
- Länge von Wanderweg 52 km, 32 Meilen
- Länge in Tagen 3 Tage
- Anfang von Wanderweg Hjembæk
- Ende von Wanderweg Kongskilde Friluftsgård
- Traildino Schwierigkeit EW, Leichte Wanderung, Naturwanderweg
Jyderup Trail, Hjembæk – Jyderup – Møllesø - Kongskilde Friluftsgård, 52 km, 3 days
This hiking / cycling trail runs through the Green Heart of Sjælland (Zealand). You will cross large forests, wet bogs, rural areas and pass some small lakes. Part of the trail is on hard tarmac, but most of it is unpaved. Along the trail you will find old churches and even remnants of Stone Age graves.
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☐Jyderupstien, 58km