Naturstien Horsens-Silkeborg
- Name Naturstien Horsens-Silkeborg
- Länge von Wanderweg 56 km, 35 Meilen
- Länge in Tagen 3 Tage
- Anfang von Wanderweg Horsens
- Ende von Wanderweg Silkeborg
- Traildino Schwierigkeit LW, einfache Wanderung, ländlicher Spaziergang
Naturstien Horsens-Silkeborg , Horsens – Silkeborg, 56 km, 3 days
This trail follows an old disused railway track. Hence the alternative name "Bryrupbanestien". It takes you through the varied landscape of central and northern Jutland. The land is hilly, but the path artfully encircles the slopes so that you can walk more or less flat.
The trail is both for walking and cycling. Large parts are paved. At regular intervals (10-15 km) you will find simple campsites.
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☐Naturstien Bryrupbanestien, 60km