- Name Alsterwanderweg
- Länge von Wanderweg 37 km, 23 Meilen
- Länge in Tagen 2 Tage
- Anfang von Wanderweg Source of Alster
- Ende von Wanderweg Mouth of Alster
- Traildino Schwierigkeit LW, einfache Wanderung, ländlicher Spaziergang

37 km. Along the river Alster, from source to mouth.
For the inhabitants of Hamburg, the Alsterwanderweg is a pleasant trip away from the busy city life. The Alster is a river that is born north of the metropolis and flows to the south into the Elbe. Its course is marked by dense forest most of the time, although the outskirts of the city are never far away. Near the center of Hamburg, the river turns into a lake, popular with the locals.
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☐Kayhude - Poppenbüttel (K-P) Alsterwanderweg, 15km