

  1. Name Goetheweg
  2. Länge von Wanderweg 623 km, 387 Meilen
  3. Länge in Tagen 31 Tage
  4. Anfang von Wanderweg München
  5. Ende von Wanderweg Venice
  6. Traildino Schwierigkeit MW, Mittelschwere Wanderung mit Rucksack
  7. Schwierigkeitsgrad Berg- und Alpinwanderung T1, Wandern


München - Venice, 623 km, 1 month

This trail has been branded as the "Dream trail over the Alps". It comes in a lower and a higher edition. You will also need two pairs of shoes, or - better - two pairs of feet: one to carry you over the mountains. Another to take you over the tarmac in Italy.

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Kleiner Goetheweg, 3.4km


  1. Abbrechen