As the youngest nation of Europe, and still not recognized as such by all, Kosovo is a small landlocked country between Serbia, Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia. With peaks rising up over 2600m, the west and southwest of Kosovo are the most mountainous. The country's north and south are mountainous as well, although less high, and the east is relatively low. Climate is decidedly continental, with hot summers and freezing snowy winters lasting longer as you go higher up.
There is some good walking in the western Rugova mountains, which feature lovely alpine lakes, in the Dragash valley in the south, and in the Šar Mountains bordering on Macedonia. Do not expect any system of marked footpaths or detailed maps. Mountain huts are very basic or simply absent, so its a good idea to bring your own tent and food. Hiking in Kosovo means exploring, but please do beware of minefields.
Führer und Karten
- Reisgids Kosovo | Bradt Travel Guides
- Er bestaat geen Lonely Planet van Kosovo. Daarom vermelden wij de enige goede, die van Bradt Guides. Voor vele landen net zo goed, zo niet beter dan de Planet. Beduidend soberder uitgevoerd, maar ook met veel informatie voor backpackers en met veel kaartmateriaal. Een aanrader! This new fully updated 3rd edition of Bradt's Kosovo is the only... Read more
United Kingdom
- The Peaks of the Balkans Trail
- Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
- Bol.com, Netherlands
- Bol.com, Belgium
- Wandelgids Trekking the Peaks of the Balkans Trail | Cicerone
- Guidebook to the Peaks of the Balkans Trail, a 192km trek through Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. The route, which can comfortably be completed in less than a fortnight, is waymarked and covers terrain between 670m and 2300m in altitude, taking in remote valleys, dramatic mountain passes, stunning scenery and villages untouched by time. Read more
- The Peaks of the Balkans Trail
- A guidebook to the Peaks of the Balkans Trail, a circular route through the wild and rugged borderlands of Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. Launched in 2013 to promote sustainable local tourism and transcend political borders, the 192km trail winds its way through the spectacular scenery of the Prokletije mountains (the southernmost range of the... Read more
- The Peaks of the Balkans Trail
- A guidebook to the Peaks of the Balkans Trail, a circular route through the wild and rugged borderlands of Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. Launched in 2013 to promote sustainable local tourism and transcend political borders, the 192km trail winds its way through the spectacular scenery of the Prokletije mountains (the southernmost range of the... Read more
- Peaks of the Balkans
- 2012 wurde mit dem Peaks of the Balkans ein abenteuerlicher neuer Fernwanderweg im Dreiländereck zwischen Albanien, Kosovo und Montenegro eröffnet. Dieser Wanderführer liefert eine genaue Beschreibung des knapp 200 km langen Weges durch die faszinierende Landschaft rund um die „Gipfel des Balkans“. Mit vielen Tipps zu Themen wie Anreise,... Read more
- Also available from:
- Bol.com, Belgium
- Peaks of the Balkans
- 2012 wurde mit dem Peaks of the Balkans ein abenteuerlicher neuer Fernwanderweg im Dreiländereck zwischen Albanien, Kosovo und Montenegro eröffnet. Dieser Wanderführer liefert eine genaue Beschreibung des knapp 200 km langen Weges durch die faszinierende Landschaft rund um die „Gipfel des Balkans“. Mit vielen Tipps zu Themen wie Anreise,... Read more
- The Bradt Travel Guide Kosovo
- Kosovo is ringed by high mountains, ravaged by ethnic tensions, yet its renaissance is just a breath away. Rebuilding is all but complete, domestic tensions have eased and with the help of welcoming Kosovars, the country is emerging as one of the most exciting tourist destinations in southeastern Europe. Written by two Kosovo experts, who lived... Read more
- Also available from:
- Bol.com, Belgium
- The Bradt Travel Guide Kosovo
- Kosovo is ringed by high mountains, ravaged by ethnic tensions, yet its renaissance is just a breath away. Rebuilding is all but complete, domestic tensions have eased and with the help of welcoming Kosovars, the country is emerging as one of the most exciting tourist destinations in southeastern Europe. Written by two Kosovo experts, who lived... Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Slovenië - Kroatië - Servië - Bosnië-Hercegovina - Montenegro - Kosovo - Macedonië | Freytag & Berndt
- Slowenien / Kroatien / Serbien / Bosnien-Herzegowina / Montenegro / Kosovo / Mazedonien 1 : 1 000 000. Autokarte ab 10.9 EURO Touristische Informationen. Dalmatinische Inseln 1:275 000. Schifffahrtslinien freytag & berndt Auto + Freizeitkarten. Laufzeit bis 2014 Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Kosovo | Freytag & Berndt
- Kosovo 1 : 150 000 ab 10.9 EURO Top 10 Tips Sehenswürdigkeiten, Top Citypläne, Entfernungen in km Freytag & Berndt Autokarte. Neuauflage, Laufzeit bis 2014 Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Kosovo | Huber Verlag
- Kosovo-Karte 1 : 100 000 ab 9.8 EURO Karte ohne Jahresangabe Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Servië , Montenegro, Kosovo en Noord-Macedonië | Freytag & Berndt
- Serbien / Montenegro / Mazedonien 1 : 500 000. Autokarte ab 10.9 EURO Touristische Informationen. Autofähren. Ortsregister Freytag & Berndt Autokarte. Neuauflage. Laufzeit bis 2016 Read more
United Kingdom
- Europe Children`s Placemat
- This is a colourful and resistant placemat by Little Wigwam, featuring a political map of Europe with capitals and major cities. All the information is up-to-date and includes Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. The seas are named, lines of longitude and latitude are shown at 15 degree intervals, the Arctic Circle is marked and the mat features a... Read more