This immense country owes its first two long distance hiking trails to Kate Clow and Terry Richardson: the Lycian Way and St. Paul's Trail. Both trails measure about 500km and lead through the southwest corner of the country, which is well-known among tourists. There are guidebooks and the trails are marked. The Lycian Way even has signposts to show the way. Lodging can be found in the villages en route, but a tent can come in handy. Both trails can be pretty demanding, climbing and descending. Avoid the scorching summer season. Early spring or late autumn are the best.
In recent years more hiking trails are being developed in Turkey. They are waymarked in red and white, and some are only just in the process of being documented. Take the northeastern Kaçkar mountains, an alpine range with lots of lakes and peaks reaching up to almost 4000m. More networks of trails have been set out in the forests of Yenice, in the mountains near Eskipazar, and in the Küre mountains, all to the north of Ankara and in areas of great natural beauty. Other new trails have emerged emphasizing Turkish cultural history: the Independence Way, the Evliya Celebi Way, the Phrygian Way and the Hittite Trails. One of the latest additions is the Sultan's Trail, all the way from Vienna to Istanbul.
A few mountains in Turkey are reasonably opened up for hiking. For instance the legendary Mount Ararat (5165m), where some still believe the Arc of Noah can be found. Climbing the mountain, actually a volcano, requires a small expedition and some daredevil clambering.
Many tourists visit the bizarre Cappadocia mountains, volcanic in origin. Some hiking possibilities have sprung up here. Of course there is much more to see and hike in Turkey, but most of it requires an adventurous mind and willingness to find your own way.
Führer und Karten
- Reisgids the Black Sea Coast - Zwarte Zeekust Turkije | Blue Guides
- Engelstalige cultuurgids, gericht op musea en culturele geschiedenis. Zeer goede beschrijvingen van hoog nivo. Voor de liefhebber de ware gids! Veel tekeningen en plattegronden. The Black Sea, hostile and hospitable by turns, a land of towering mountain peaks, green tea plantations and thick forests, has always attracted civilisation to its... Read more
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- Dog Bites with Steve Brooks
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- Türkei 1 : 800 000. Autokarte ab 10.9 EURO Cityplan, Touristische Informationen, Ortsregister. Ideal für Autofahrer und Urlauber, Informationss Freytag & Berndt Autokarte. Neuauflage, Laufzeit bis 2016 Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart West Turkije - Turkey west | ITMB
- Turkey West Travel Map 1 : 550 000 ab 10.49 EURO International Travel Map ITM. 1st edition Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Turkije Zuidkust | ITMB
- Turkey South Coast 1:550.000 ab 10.49 EURO International Travel Map ITM. 1st edition Read more
- Wandelkaart Aladaglar | MapSite Verlag
- Goede gedetailleerde wandelkaart van dit specifieke gebied in centraal Turkije. Deze kaart is ook de gebruiken als klimkaart. Veel wandelpaden staan ingeteknd op deze kaart, al dan niet gemarkeerd. ook is de meerdaagse bergtocht TA1 ingetekend. Met hoogtelijnen, reliëfschaduwing; symbolen voor campings en onderdak, bevoorrading, openbaar... Read more
- Wandelkaart Trekking map Turkije - Turkey, the highest peaks | TerraQuest
- Geplastificeerde trekking map, goede cartografie, van de omgevingen van Mount Ararat, het Kaçkar massief en Mount Süphan (ten noorden van het meer van Van). Diverse routes ingetekend. Read more
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Turkey`s Highest Peaks - Mount Ararat - Kackar Mountains - Mount Suphan terraQuest Trekking Map
- Three of Turkey’s most popular trekking regions: Mount Ararat, Kaçkar Mountains and Mount Süpan on a durable, waterproof and tear-resistant map from terraQuest, plus an overview road map of the eastern part of the country. On one side is a map the Kaçkar Mountains at 1:120,000 covering an area from Ipsir to Artvin and northwards to Ikizdere and... Read more
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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