Greater Niagara Circle Route
- Name Greater Niagara Circle Route
- Länge von Wanderweg 140 km, 87 Meilen
- Länge in Tagen 7 Tage
- Traildino Schwierigkeit EW, Leichte Wanderung, Naturwanderweg
Circular trail starting and ending at the Niagara Falls, 140 km, 7 days
A recreation trail for non-motorized use; mostly off-road, paved paths. The trail combines historic and scenic important places: lake Erie and lake Ontario, the Welland Canal in between, the Niagara River and of course the Niagara Falls and Niagara Escarpment. It passes through urban centres, downtowns, waterfronts and rural areas.
This trail is a combination of four other trails: Niagara River Recreation Trail, Welland Canals Trail, Waterfront Trail and Friendship Trail. Also, the Greater Niagara Circle Route. Parts of the Greater Niagara Circle Route coincides with the Trans Canada Trail.