Edith Falls Wilderness Trail
- Name Edith Falls Wilderness Trail
- Länge von Wanderweg 76 km, 47 Meilen
- Länge in Tagen 5 Tage
- Traildino Schwierigkeit MW, Mittelschwere Wanderung mit Rucksack
- Schwierigkeitsgrad Berg- und Alpinwanderung T1, Wandern
76 km, 5 days, May - September
Located in Nitmiluk National Park, Northern Territory, this trail leads you along the falls in Edith River, through exotic vegetation, and past curiously shaped magnetic termite mounds and Baobab trees. You will see sandstone boulders, Kookaburra (a kind of Kingfisher) and aboriginal rock art in the Katharina Gorge. The track is easy and not really wild.