Bicentennial National Trail
- Name Bicentennial National Trail (BNT)
- Länge von Wanderweg 5,330 km, 3,312 Meilen
- Länge in Tagen 300 Tage
- Traildino Schwierigkeit MW, Mittelschwere Wanderung mit Rucksack
- Schwierigkeitsgrad Berg- und Alpinwanderung T1, Wandern
5330 km
The 5330 km multi-use Bicentennial National Trail (once the National Horse Trail) explores Australia's east coast from north to south. Riders, bikers and hikers are welcome, though not all places are suitable for horses and bikes. Motorized vehicles are not allowed. Don't judge too easily on this trail: many stretches pass through bush, wilderness and mountain areas where facilities are non-existent and water may be scarce. On the other hand, parts follow bitumen roads and Wilderness Areas are avoided. You will be rewarded by visiting a full 18 national parks, and love Australia forever.