Cooloola Wilderness Trail
- Name Cooloola Wilderness Trail
- Länge von Wanderweg 46 km, 29 Meilen
- Länge in Tagen 5 Tage
- Traildino Schwierigkeit MW, Mittelschwere Wanderung mit Rucksack
- Schwierigkeitsgrad Berg- und Alpinwanderung T1, Wandern
46 km, 3-5 days, April - September
The Cooloola Wilderness Trail in Queensland takes you across flat sandy landscapes, through rainforests and around freshwater pools. The track is on the Queensland coast, south of Fraser Island. In the wet season, the trail becomes too difficult. You might pick out some other trails in the same area. The Cooloola region is one of the prettiest, perhaps even better than Fraser Island itself.