GR22 - Sentier du Mont Saint-Michel


  1. Name GR22 - Sentier du Mont Saint-Michel (GR22)
  2. Länge von Wanderweg 250 km, 155 Meilen
  3. Länge in Tagen 13 Tage
  4. Anfang von Wanderweg Paris
  5. Ende von Wanderweg Mont-Saint-Michel

GR22, Mont St MichelSentier du Mont Saint-Michel, Paris - Mont Saint-Michel, 250 km, 13 days

Who doesn't recognise the beautifull Mont Saint-Michel, the castle that can be reached at low tide only. Well, if you happen to be in Paris, and you start walking west, eventually you'll reach Mont Saint-Michel. The trail is there for you, maps, guides and signs included.

This trail, and a hand full of subsidiary trails, is used by pilgrims. From Mont Saint-Michel they continue south to Santiago de Compostela.Or, coming from England, one can walk to Paris and continue on the Via Turonensis.

Visit Traildino's overview page for the Way of Saint James / Camino de Santiago.

Select some tracks
De Paris au Mont-Saint-Michel
.de Paris à Versailles, 30km
.de Versailles à Verneuil, 166km
.de Bagnoles-de-l'Orne à Saint-Pois, 89km
.de Saint-Pois au Petit-Celland, 22km
.du Petit-Celland à Avranches, 20km
.d'Avranches au Mont-Saint-Michel, 27km
.GR22 - accès Gare de Tacoignières, 1.9km
De Ravigny à Bagnoles-de-l'Orne par le Mont des Avaloirs, 35km
Grande Rota das Aldeias Históricas - Variante, 38km
Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel, 9.4km
.Chemin de Caen, 169km
Chemin de Rouen
.d'Orbec à Trun, 57km
.de Pontécoulant à Vire, 30km
.de Vire à Genêts, 51km
.Chemin de Paris
Chemin de Chartres
.de Chartres à Illiers-Combray, 44km


Map of GR22


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